
fig-bowl-singWhen we do what we do in order to please others or because we believe it is what is expected from us, we can end up feeling resentful and overwhelmed, even angry.

When we somehow seem to be repeating the “same old, same old” again and again, we can get discouraged and a part of us might want to give up, feeling, that “no matter what, things never change”.

When we feel empty, drained, or “not enough” day after day, without exactly knowing why, life is so dissatisfying and exhausting…  it might be time for a change. And guess what? No need to do it all alone. Let me be on your team.

Often, our soul speaks through a kind of emotional malaise or physical ailments. Our higher self and our inner child find ways to be heard, giving us the opportunity to make a different choice, one which is more aligned with who we truly are. One step at a time.

Our life is our creation.  How do you wish to live yours? Can you dare to bring your immeasurable power to the world and to yourself? (even if right now, you might be wondering: what freakin’ power???) Do you long to let your heart sing, dive through your fear and come out the other end? Smiling? in-joy? happy and trusting?

If you are here, then there’s a reason and I would love to hear all about it and support you on your journey. I would love to help you shine.

If you would like to get in touch to ask a question or book a session, go ahead,  e-mail me

I so look forward to meeting you!

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I contacted Sandra during a very transformative period of my life brought on by the diagnosis of a congenital heart problem. My work with Sandra helped me navigate through some of my angst and fear about my symptoms. Sandra has been empathic, attentive and insightful about some of the more non-material dimensions of these experiences, such as their links with ancestral burden and intergenerational pain. The effects of our work has been multidimensional and included relief of physical symptoms (heart pain) and some very initiatory spiritual experiences/realisations right after my sessions.

I recommend Sandra if you’d like a very holistic approach to your healing journey.

Jason – London, England

When I am in Sandra’s healing hands, I am cocooned in safety, enveloped in kindness, and touched with Spirit. Even as she helps me relax, I also feel brighter and more alive and expanded as she works. Sandra has such heart, skill and depth. I trust her implicitly and consider anyone who shares her presence to have received a great gift.

Liz – Madison, WI, USA